
Nubank – Now You See

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Caught in the doldrums of a tired and artificial banking reality, this ad for NuBank gives users the chance to break away from controlling financial corporations. 

In this piece, a young woman is shown going about her standard, almost Orwellian life, catching the bus, running to investigate long, pointless lines, and then serving coffee at her day job. Everyone, including her, has giant, featureless heads with only shaved and raised planes to suggest faces. When she finally meets someone who is fully alive, it breaks her out of the repetitive dystopia, and into a new bank. 

The unique mixing up of live-action and crafted elements of exaggeration that make people look like puppets is a particularly creative way to showcase the oppositional narrative of how big banks see customers versus smaller banks. Now You See, Directed by Rodrigo Saavedra, is full of eye-catching and unusual effects and stylings, which emphasize choice and experimentation.
