
RUHR – Don't Miss It Again

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Hindsight may be 20/20 but some people, it seems, are never going to learn. 

Don’t Miss It Again shows an industry executive in the seventies, perhaps the CEO, telling his colleagues that you don’t trade real estate in Brooklyn, you trade drugs. As soon as he laughs he crashes through the floor, ending up in a lower position, and in a new decade. The trend continues as this man makes bad call after bad call, until - now in his sixties, and in the basement - an opportunity to invest in Ruhr pops up on his phone. 

The advert is exceptionally well-made, with indicators at every level of the time period and type of person who would make this kind of call. Directed by Bernd Faass, the spot is comedic and well-timed full of fun winks to the naysayers of yesteryear.
