
WhatsApp – Just Send It

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There's a permanency to digital sharing that can sometimes prevent us from sharing questions, pics or videos with others, for fear of later repercussions.

Harnessing this vulnerability and turning it into an asset is this sharply made and relatable spot from BBDO and SMUGGLER director Fenn O'Meally, taking small moments of sharing and turning them into a mosaic of sweet interactions and support.

"On this project I really wanted to focus on getting the most authentic moments on-screen " says O’Meally, "allowing people to truly be themselves in a similar way to how they would use the feature. With that being my priority, I was blessed to be able to bring my world and community of friends into it. It was about working and connecting with some of the most talented and genuine people I know. 

"From Troy who casted it, to Leah who styled it, to Stuart who shot it, to all the people featured in it, the energy behind the camera was just as special as the energy in front of it."
