
Glimpse – Save The Planet, Unfollow A Greenwasher

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It's no great revelation that many online stars are paid to promote products and brands, but the impact of an influencer's... erm... influence can lead viewers to be blinded to the bigger picture, especially when it comes to greenwashing.

Tackling this issue is creative collective Glimpse, whose witty spoof Save the Planet, Unfollow a Greenwasher viscerally puts forward the findings of a recent Desmog investigation into how Big Oil is using influencers to create an ‘emotional connection’ with millennials.

Devised by creatives Lara Baxter and Alice Goodrich, and directed by newcomers Thor & Carys, the (deliberately) icky film shows a fresh-faced YouTuber attempt to wax lyrical about the goodwill of Shell, only to have a decidedly oily reaction.

Glimpse – Save The Planet, Unfollow A Greenwasher - LinkedIn Response

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But the story doesn't end there. After posting the film to LinkedIn, Glimpse was informed that it was to be removed due to it being "offensive to good taste".

Seizing the opportunity, the collective creates a witty response video [above] that, in our mind, is not only more impactful than its original, but is probably more likely to leave certain execs feeling a bit nauseous.

Witty and well-timed, this smart campaign goes to show how a bit of canniness and quick responsiveness can help drive an important point home.
