
FITXR – Workouts For Everyone

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Getting fit seems to be a pretty serious business. There's protein shakes, baffling machines, big tires that need flipping and lots of mirrors to see just how red your face is getting... but a distinct lack of fun.

Introducing gamified VR workout service FITXR, Uncommon's anarchic and absurd Workouts for Everyone campaign openly pokes fun at some of the absurdities of gym-life.

Shot, or should we say scrapbook pasted, by Private Island director Chris Boyle, the film's idea-filled visuals backed with thumping heavy metal makes for a hefty session of giggle gymnastics.

"The fitness industry globally take’s itself way too seriously," says Uncommon co-founder Nils Leonard.  It needed a good hose down. FITXR are an incredible force, ready to challenge the industry as it is and make something that actually works for everyone. We loved helping shape this US launch and giving the tragic tropes of this industry a painful workout as we went.” 
