
Director Luis Gerard, represented by Easy Mondays, unveils a new film in collaboration with Cisco, tackling the pressing issues of sustainability and the profound impact of climate change on our planet.

The spot poignantly follows the journey of a once-thriving tree traveling through a bustling cityscape, portraying its gradual deterioration due to the adverse effects of human intervention and technology. Gerard's passion for this project stems from his unwavering conviction about the imminent environmental crisis.

Gerard said, “I believe we are killing the planet. We are responsible for making the necessary changes before it's too late. I put my heart and passion into this project because who knows when I'll get another chance to do a film about something I care so much about.”

The production was not without its share of challenges, such as time pressures and, in Gerard’s words, “It takes a village to pull off something like this, but I had a great team around me. I want to thank them because their effort, commitment, and attitude made the difference,” Gerard acknowledged, emphasising the collaborative efforts that shaped the film's success.

CISCO – Tree

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The support from dedicated vendors and collaborators was instrumental in bringing the vision to life. From the meticulous art design, mesmerising visual effects, and exceptional photography direction. Their unwavering commitment and expertise contributed to the spots seamless execution, creating an immersive and impactful experience.

"When Cisco approached us for this project, we were committed from the get-go to shed light on the urgent need for change. Preserving a green planet for future generations is very close to our mission," Asori Soto, Executive Producer, passionately articulated, highlighting the film's underlying mission to provoke awareness and catalyze action.

This poignant journey is a testament to Gerard's artistic expertise and commitment to using the power of storytelling to advocate for pressing global issues. With Cisco's collaboration, the film serves as a call to action, urging viewers to reflect on their roles in fostering a sustainable future.
