
Bergans of Norway – Save The Seasons

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Ask any hungry bee, part-roasted koala, homeless polar bear or climate scientist and they'll tell you – the weather these days is just a whole lotta wrong. And the seasons? Well they ain't what it used to be. 

As it stands, the four seasons check nine out of ten criteria to get onto, and thus be protected by, UNESCO’s World Heritage List. The only obstacle is the fact that they have no physical location…

This campaign, created by Oslo agency POL, includes an affecting film directed by Eivind Holmboe and produced by Einar Film, with the help of Gimpville and TryApt. 

Featuring powerful visuals figuratively and abstractly depicting the ravages of climate change, it is fronted by Bergans CEO Jan Tore Jensen, who strides through landscapes under siege explaining the results of longer, hotter summers and shorter winters – food scarcity for animals, pollinators and therefore all life on Earth. 

Everything is connected – mess with the seasons; you mess with the planet and our future doesn’t look too rosy.  

Partnering with WWF, Bergans has written to the Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment, asking that Norway nominate the seasons to be included on the World Heritage List, meaning that all 197 member countries are obligated to protect them and implement important climate measures.

The #saveourseasons campaign includes a petition that will help support the nomination. The campaign has already gathered signatures from 56 different nations, and counting.
