
Alzheimer’s Research UK – Change The Ending

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This new, two-minute campaign for Alzheimer’s Research UK begins at the end of most fairytales, at the point where the brave prince rescues the beautiful princess.

But this is no ordinary fairytale and, though the pair ride off into the sunset, very quickly it's the princess who needs to care for her knight in shining armour as he is "struck by an invisible force"; dementia. 

From there, the colourful, Disney-esque story take a bleak turn and shows us how dementia can steal happily ever afters, urging the nation to support Alzheimer’s Research UK in finding a cure for the UK’s number one killer.

Created by Above+Beyond London, the spot, called Change the Ending, illustrates how, despite the fact that millions in the UK will go through a devastating journey with dementia, there is still a startling lack of awareness about the destructive effects of the condition. The commercial ends with a match cut, from animation to a real couple in live-action, revealing that this isn’t a fairytale but the hard reality for almost one million people in the UK living with dementia. 

The animation was directed by againstallodds through Passion Animation Studios while the live-action ending was directed by Ben and Dan Tubby through Tubby Brothers Films.  

“As soon as I heard about the concept behind Alzheimer’s Research UK’s campaign, I wanted to be involved and support their search for a cure, laying bare the harsh reality of the condition to improve awareness," said Oscar-winner Olivia Colman, who voices the new campaign. "Dementia devastates lives and wreaks havoc on far too many families across the UK and around the world. The work Alzheimer’s Research UK does is so important, and I was proud to lend my voice to this campaign – it lays bare the realities of dementia in such a powerful and thought-provoking way. I was holding back tears narrating the film as dementia destroys people’s ‘happily-ever-afters’, and we must do everything we can to end the pain and distress it causes. I’d urge everyone to join me and get behind Alzheimer’s Research UK to help drive them towards a cure.” 

"With the viewer having followed such a powerful journey in the animation, the tone of the live-action final scene was important to get just right for everyone," said Ben and Dan Tubby. "It needed love and tenderness but still with the right thump of reality and emotion that cutting away from a fairy tale world to live- action brings.

"The match cut between animation and live-action meant we had some really interesting conversations with the againstallodds on final shot framing, lighting, geography of the room and, of course, casting to get just right. It was a fluid back and forth where their initial drawings inspired the casting, locations and mood. To ensure authenticity, we did a lot research on the realities of living with Alzheimer’s - like having the final scene set during the day to show the constant care needed, not casting too old to show that the disease doesn’t just effect the elderly, and ensuring the performances portrayed the confusion of the sufferer, and the desperation of the carers who never give up on their loved ones."

“We very much hope this poignant film will inspire the nation and support Alzheimer’s Research UK in their quest to find a cure - something we will all desperately need,” said Dom Goldman, Chief Creative Officer at Above+Beyond.
