
Even some brands have trouble raising the right amount of money to be featured on the Super Bowl world stage. However pro skier – and ambassador for nonprofits Protect Our Winters and the Climate Reality Project – Julian Carr is attempting to get his message across at the Big Game and purchase 30 seconds of airtime to talk about global warming.

How? By creating a Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign to raise $5.5 million.

He’s already enlisted Goodby Silverstein & Partners to produce the campaign, and given their experience on previous Super Bowl ads for the likes of  Budweiser, E*TRADE, Emerald Nuts, Doritos and more, Carr is confident that they’d be up for the challenge.

“America is the biggest polluter in history. Yet only one in eight Americans know there’s a consensus among the scientific community that global warming is caused by humans,” says Carr. “Together, we can raise awareness in front of 110 million Americans about global warming and let our people know what’s at stake. Because only when we acknowledge the problem can we truly fight it.”



Inspired by America’s recent decision to leave the Paris Agreement, a global plan to tackle the effects of climate change signed by 174 other countries, Carr knew that the time was now.

Having already raised £5,275 from 180 backers (at the time of writing this story), he has until Friday 22 December to find out if he has the money to enter the Super Bowl. And the incentives for pledging are huge – top donors (of over $10,000) can receive a private ski lesson with the pro skier. “With unlimited fist bumps,” apparently.

Visit to donate. 

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