
What’s got 160 heads, a whole heap of talent and quite spectacular shorts? No, not the cast of Baywatch standing in a hall of mirrors - it’s the London leg of the Source Presents showcase!

Kicking off the festive season in the only way we know how, the Presents show saw the UK’s advertising community treated to an hour’s-worth of top-notch short films and entertaining pop promos from the world’s most talented unsigned directors.

Presented by Source’s very own Jamie Madge, the evening saw gender politics in a historical setting (Alicia McDonald’s funny ‘Domestic Policy’), raving nonsense from a sleeping man (‘The Somniloquist’ from Adam Rosenberg) and an undisputed crowd-favourite story of a man’s brush with greatness (Mickey Duzyj’s ‘The Perfect 18’).

Alongside the screening itself, the Curzon Soho’s magnificent bar played host to a rowdy networking opportunity, with filmmakers and creatives alike discussing their favourites from the night.

As always, you can check out the full list of the films screened on our Slate here (and with full credits, for members, here). If you want to see what you missed, or to tag your pretty face if you were there, check out our Facebook album of snaps.

Merry Christmas all!

The anticipation is palpable...

Smita Mistry, Chris Wall and the team from Ogilvy wait for the show to start.

Caroline Bottomley from Radar, Sandra Gerard and Joyrider's Spencer Friend pose for the camera.

Two Henrys (Huang and Finnegan) share the joys of the name.

The team from Agile Films look cinema-ready!

Source's own Jamie Madge addresses the crowd.
