
Fujifilm – Adrift

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Creating a film to, ostensibly, showcase the capabilities of a particular camera lens could lead to a dry, emotionless affair.

However, with the guiding hand of director Samuel de Ceccatty, impressive precision of DOP Adam Suschitzky and a cracking location, Adrift is much more than a mere tech demo.

Telling the tale of a woman who wakes up on a Thames-based houseboat, the short instantly impresses with its one-shot gimmick, travelling from room to room, interior to exterior, showcasing the Fujinon Premista 19-45 large format lens whilst also giving us a neat slice of character-led drama,

Fujifilm – Adrift - Making Of

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Aided by a distinctive location downstream from the iconic Tower Bridge in London, and a pair of terrific performances, de Ceccatty's ambition and ability shine through.
