
Picasso Pictures Open Their Pod

Picasso Pictures, one of the UK's leading animation production companies, has always had an eye for fresh talent. However, as is often the case with fresh-faced auteurs, there's a degree of nurturing and guidance needed before they can be thrust into the big-bad world of commercial filmmaking. Recognising the importance of such support, Picasso took their 20-years of experience, team of practiced producers and ability to spot potential and crammed it into a new division – The Pod.

Currently comprising of a tidy roster of five distinctive animators, the company's new arm marks an exciting and admirable focus on the stars of tomorrow, as well as crucially filling the gap between bedroom filmmaker (of which there are many of quality nowadays) and well-versed commercial director – a leap that's more daunting than many may expect.

We were hugely impressed by the endeavour and the quality of the roster, so grabbed a few moments with Exec Producer Sam Hope to chat about the addition, the plan and what it takes to get Podded.

Peter Vacz's outstanding 'Rabbit & Deer' is already winning awards

How would you describe 'The Pod'?

The Pod is our division where we nurture our new talent. It is here that we introduce fresh, exciting new directors into the commercial playing field. Prior to its launch, we have already had success with two of the directors making their commercial debut, and one receiving a special mention award at the YDA in Cannes. So it is very exciting, when you see the world agreeing with your idea of new talent and that there is a place for it!

Why did you feel the need to create the new division?

We founded The Pod as we receive a lot of graduate reels and come across some incredibly talented artists, so we wanted to create a specific roster where their work would be comparable with other new talent. Clients would be aware that they are new to the commercial world, but have the weight of our production support at Picasso behind them, which will make them a viable option for commercial directing.

A charming still from Steven Lenton's Holland and Barrett campaign.

What does it take for a director to get Podded?

We look for the new work to be unique, either in its design, technique or direction and something that we absolutely love. I think it is important we are all behind the work, as we need to continue the momentum from the festival circuit into the commercial arena. The new directors need to love what they do themselves, be committed to it and want to continue evolving their work forward. Quality of the work is important in order for it to be commissioned, and that is something we look for.

Where do you find the talent?

A mixture of sources: reels sent in, vimeo, via people we know, etc.

Alexandre Cazals' (of Alex & Remy) intricate character design is showcased in his grad film 'A Fox Tale'.

Could you take us through the launch signings?

Steven Lenton - Steven has been designing and animating for over 10 years. His style exudes warmth and cheekiness and his eye for detail provides additional charm and humour throughout his work. He recently had his UK directorial debut with a commercial campaign for Holland and Barrett. Steven is also a published book author and illustrator with more books coming out later this year.

Iria Lopez - Iria's work has a delicate linear style with added texture and colour. Her film Jamon, is an observational dark comedy, which is being very well received at film festivals around the globe. Her illustration and art is an ongoing exploration of her style, exploring all things human and animal with her dry sense of humour.

Si Scott - Si is a well-known graphic artist, globally acclaimed for his Illustration and Art. His detailed line drawings all created by hand, have inspired budding designers all over the world for the last 15 years. As a director he is interested in giving his art yet another dimension.

Peter Vacz - Peter has a refreshing approach to animation, using a variety of techniques together –2D, 3D, Stop Motion – which is executed beautifully in his award winning film 'Rabbit & Deer'. The global film festival circuit has been falling in love with his film, he has won awards at every festival so far and won a special award at the YDA this year in Cannes.

Alex & Remy - Alex and Remy met at the world class 3D School, Supinfocom, having each created incredibly high-end CGI animated films. Their award winning character design, modelling and animation is of an incredible standard, and they have just completed their first commercial project for Saatchi's NY for Goodwill.

Remy Dupont's (of Alex & Remy) glorious-looking grad film 'Tuurngait'.

What impresses you most about the current crop of emerging filmmakers?
I am impressed by any of them that individually stand out to me - that make me feel something when I see their work. I think emerging filmmakers need to be true to their own style, be as original as possible with their work and their technique.
What kind of support can the Podders expect from Picasso?
The directors in The Pod can expect support from the production and marketing team at Picasso. They will have work offered to them that they would not have otherwise. We will help them become the directors we know they can be, and experience the commercial process.

Iria Lopez's wonderfully hand-drawn 'Jamon'.

What's the plan for the future – will the directors emerge from The Pod and join the main roster?
Yes, that is exactly the plan, as soon as a young director is of a certain level of experience and has enough work on their reel, they will move into the main roster. This will then give the opportunity for more directors to join The Pod.
What else is on the slate for Picasso?
We've also launched 'The Playroom', which is an enjoyable part of our website that showcases a selection of fun and innovative art projects. This gives all our directors from The Pod and Picasso a platform to show creative work.

We are celebrating successfully working in this industry for 20 years this year, and we know how important it has been to evolve and stay current in order to continue. We all genuinely love what we do here, and are very proud to have these new platforms to share with the industry.

Posted on 15th July 2013
