
What song or album have you been listening to lately while working from home?

A colleague put me onto Diana Gordon, a great new Warner Record’s US signing. She released her debut ‘mini’ album, Wasted Youth, earlier this year. I’m obsessed, like most music fans, with debut records. I imagine the lifetime of thought and planning that must go into them. This record is timely, it’s beat-driven, with fiercely bold vocals, but the guitars add this timeless element and remind me of the grungy guitar riffs of my youth. And, in case you recognise Diana’s voice, it might be from her feature on Mark Ronson’s 2019 hit album Late Night Feelings

What track always gets you on the dance floor?

Closest I get to the dance floor these days is our kitchen, but either way it’s got to be the euphoria of Blind Faith by Chase & Status.

Chase & Status feat. Liam Bailey – Chase & Status feat. Liam Bailey: Blind Faith

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What's your 'guilty pleasure' track? 

Loud and proud, you’ll find any of Phil Collin’s world-class songs at the top of my playlist, although I don’t buy it’s a guilty pleasure…

What song always makes you turn off the stereo when it comes on?

Gangnam Style.  

There isn’t much “going out on the town” happening, but when we're finally able to let loose, what track will you listen to while you're getting ready?

I don’t think anyone wants to see me 'going out on the town'. You’ll find me chillin’ at home with a cold something and Lianne La Havas [above] on the stereo.  

To access Miles's Elements Music Isolation Radio Station playlist, click here
