One Track Mind: Jessica Shaw
Jessica Shaw, VP, Music for Brands & Advertising/Licensing of Sony Music, turns to tracks that are 'comfort food' and admits to a soft spot for a certain Latin star, as she points us towards her Elements Music Isolation Radio Station playlist.

What's the song you've listened to most during this isolation?
I’ve found myself turning to 'comfort food' music during this strange time. There isn’t one song I’ve gravitated toward but more of a rotation of familiar favorites; Simon & Garfunkel, Beach Boys, Bob Dylan, rinse, repeat… For something completely different, I have also given the new Fiona Apple [album more than a few spins.

What track always gets you on the dance floor?
Being a mom of two young kids, it’s been a while since I’ve hit any sort of dance floor other than our living room dance parties, which we’ve had plenty of during quarantine. The current favorite in our household, which always gets us moving, is Harry Belafonte’s Jump in the Line; how can you resist dancing when you hear that come on the stereo?

What's your 'guilty pleasure' track?
I’ve loved a previous answers to this question saying there’s no such thing as a guilty pleasure when it comes to music listening. But if I had to answer, I’m known to have a soft spot for old school Ricky Martin.

What song always makes you turn off the stereo when it comes on?
Won’t call out anything here! Really there’s not much I won’t listen to, as the nature of my role has trained me to be able to find something to appreciate in just about any song. That said, some friends of mine know a certain late 90s radio hit that for some reason drives me insane and they know how to push my buttons with it on occasion.
We can't go out right now, but when we're finally allowed to head out for a night on the town, what track will you listen to while you're getting ready?
A Tribe Called Quest always gets me in the best state of mind. They bring me back to my high school days in the best possible way. I included Check the Rhime on my playlist, but you can’t go wrong. I can’t wait for the day that we can all go out and enjoy some time together, but for now, I’m grateful for music as a tool to lift our spirits while we get through these challenging times.