

Wolverine. Captain America. Spider-Man. Hulk. Usain Bolt. The era of the super-human is here, as the box office draw of 'The Avengers' goes to show. Likewise, people are pushing themselves in the gym and on the street to reach the next level in physical evolution, making the 'Better, Faster, Stronger' 6 Million Dollar Man mantra a startling reality. Such is the concept behind McKinney's fantastic new campaign for Mizuno's Wave Prophecy 3trainers – unleashing the 'Super/Natural' in all of us.
Utilising the cinematic stylings of Paradoxal's Michael Lawrence, McKinney's 'Super/Natural' campaign is a visual treat, juxtaposing beautifully shot images of nature and power with a refined athlete showcasing the company's wares. Teased to online audiences at first with a series of dramatic cut-downs, the campaign launched fully with a minute+ short to coincide with the trainer's launch.
We chatted to Will Dean, Associate Creative Director at McKinney, about the campaign's genesis, the montage technique employed and how you make a human truly super.

There are loads of running shoes in the market – how do you make the Wave Prophecy 3 stand out?
We tried  to talk less about technical specs and more about the experience running in the Wave Prophecy 3 offers-the physical, yes, but also the mental, emotional and even spiritual.
We wanted to make the experience have a mystique and a mystery to it.
Can you explain to us the 'Super/Natural' hook of the campaign? What's the product connection?
Runners have never heard of Super/ Natural running so we wanted them to use their imaginations.  The shoe is inspired by forces of nature, specifically how waves transfer energy.  It feels as if something greater than yourself is propelling you forward and taking you to a supernatural running place, a place never thought physically possible.
The campaign was launched with teaser films – the stunning full-length version coming afterwards. Why did you choose to seed it in this way? Does the tease catch the attention of sneaker freaks?
Yes, we believed teasing the idea of supernatural running with four short form videos then giving runners  the full story behind the shoe in a long form film was the way to go.
How was Michael Lawrence chosen to direct the film? What did the brief/script stipulate?
The original script called for starting in a test lab then moving to the natural world where the shoe and the runner would be tested.  We've really liked working with Michael before.  He's a great technician and director whose films are modern and interesting.  We knew we could ask him to go for something mysterious and beyond the ordinary, something that would communicate the sensation of running in the Wave Prophecy 3.

Not to get too film-geeky, but the piece has a real Eisensteinian 'kino-fist' montage style to it, juxtaposing the shots of the athlete with powerful imagery. Do you think techniques like this make it easier to describe the benefits of the product visually? How did you decide upon the comparative scenes?
We wanted to communicate Super/ Natural running as something that was powerful and visceral.    The footage and imagery from nature at its fiercest  gave us the ability to show the power of the shoe in a variety of weather conditions and natural phenomenon.  The shoe held its own. 
How does the campaign tie in with the members of Mizuno's Mezamashii Run Project?
We gave members of Mezamashii a sneak peek of the shoe through the teasers we posted.  We also invited them to apply to wear-test the shoe before it was available to the general public.  Members could also go to the Wave Prophecy 3 Sketchbook on the Mezamashii tab at  to get more details about the shoe and interact with the shoe designers.
When is the campaign running?
Thru the end of November 2013.
What's up next for you guys?
More and more running. We believe that running has the power to change people's lives and that Mizuno products are uniquely designed to help make this happen. Our focus for 2014 and beyond is to live into this philosophy as we launch new initiatives, products and experiences.

Posted on 20th November 2013
