
The Dog [above]

Uma is the most constant, cozy presence in my creative process. 

She’s too smart for her own good, hyperactive, anxious, and stubborn. 

I never really spend a moment without her staring at me, waiting for my next move. 

I have grown to love this about her. I’ve also grown more patient, empathetic, and nurturing, being her mom.

The other day, I had to make a pitch video for a film festival, and I was driven to a near meltdown. Talking straight into a camera about plot points for an exec to watch and judge is not my thing. 

I was screaming, staring into my own eyes on Photo Booth, until I decided to involve her. 

Here we are! Nailing it!

The Knitting

I re-learned to knit this year in one of those scary moments as a director where you finish something and have to readjust to having free time. 

I became obsessed, making countless baby hats because they were the easiest thing to complete. 

I am not very good and almost never finish anything, but I don’t care.

I was in post and started bringing it to my edit, sound design, and colour sessions. 

I was knitting away and I was CHILL - I had fewer notes, and when I did have them, they were better. 

My hands were busy, and suddenly, I was less annoying, I didn’t bite my cuticles, and I heard and saw things that I couldn’t before. 

If we’re working together in the future, please literally throw me out if I don’t come with needles.  

The Notecards

It’s sort of a writer/director cliché, but putting these things up on a wall to organize your thoughts feels so fucking good. 

Sorry but I love it, and it makes me feel better even when I’m not getting anywhere. 

The Book

I love this Julia Cameron. 

She’s pretty boring, and in this book she talks a lot about getting sober, a diner that she likes the red enchiladas at, and getting snowed in, but she’s also helped me develop a relationship with God. 

This work is scary, vulnerable, and uncertain, so I have to lean on faith all the time. 

She helped me find someone to talk to other than myself, and our conversations are way nicer. 

The Sun

Nothing gets my brain and body working better than laying in the sun and drinking a lot of water. 

I am religious about getting UV exposure as soon as I wake up. 

I like to walk in it, swim in it, lay on the floor in it. 

There’s nothing I hate more than a grey day. 

I like to be too hot. 

I like that crispy feeling when you’ve been out in it too long. 

I’m simply nothing without her.

The Three Women

My Zoom background, my sisters, my spirit guides. 

They have been fondly referred to by more than one producer as “the bush girls.” 

It’s hard to get a sense of someone over the internet, and I think they really send a clear message about my personality when I ‘hop on a call,’ and I’m grateful for that.
