Freedom Grams aims to liberate cannabis prisoners
Cannabis production platform AROYA has joined forces with GABY Inc. and Last Prisoner Project to advocate for the release of people still incarcerated for non-violent soft drugs crimes.
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powered by- Agency Serviceplan Group/New York
powered by- Agency Serviceplan Group/New York
More than 40,000 people in the US are still serving prison sentences for possession of tiny amounts of a drug that has now been legalised in many states.
Freedom Grams is an innovative brand created for client AROYA and distributed by Californian retail service GABY Inc, that aims to raise awareness of people still doing time for cannabis possession.
Each pack of weed features someone imprisoned for the exact weight of cannabis inside – like Kevin O’Brien Allen, who was sentenced to life-without-parole in 2014 for the possession of about 3.5g of the drug. Introduced through the packaging, these stories then unfold on the Freedom Grams website.
Developed by Serviceplan Group/ Serviceplan Innovation (Germany) the initiative features an engaging case film directed by Tom Kubik. The product's package design is based on prison bars, from which generative typography ‘breaks free’. All proceeds from sales go to Last Prisoner Project, which lobbies for the release of cannabis prisoners.
Christian Hertel, VP, Marketing, AROYA, explains, "The public needs to realise it’s people like you and me, serving sometimes up to life, for amounts that you can legally buy today. By offering exactly these amounts, we are creating awareness and turning it into action at the same time."