
Fennel – Behind Closed Doors

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They say we live in a post-truth world, our media spaces flooded with digital disinformation, unreliable narrators, propaganda and circumvention. 

But the truth is out there... you just have to look for it. 

This spot for Fennel, the financial investment tool for the socially conscious, reveals the shameful truth about self-serving corporations that avoid their environmental or humanitarian responsibilities while awarding their leaders big bonuses. 

Created and produced in collaboration with 10 Days, the film Behind Closed Doors was directed by Jolyon White and represents the actual AGM of a globally renowned fast-food brand, with a script drawing on transcripts from the meeting. 

Alarmingly, board members repeatedly vote against reporting on antibiotics in livestock, lobbying activities and expenditures, and plastic pollution – despite acknowledging commitments in these areas made by its competitors. The proposal that does pass the boardroom vote? Increasing the pay of top executives by 84.5 per cent.

As Fennel reminds audiences, “All of this information is publicly available. You just need to know where to look.”

The campaign will roll out across social channels throughout May and June during proxy season, when shareholder voting reaches its peak. 

Jolyon White comments: “We've called out one of the biggest fast food chains for decisions around plastic use, antibiotics and lobbying BUT we did it using their own words. This was one of the easiest scripts we’ve ever had to write as we literally copied and pasted extracts from the AGM Report. The hardest part was trying to decipher these deliberately complicated documents. But when we did we knew how revealing it was.”
