Evan Silver's cheeky look at constricted creativity
In a funny short, director Silver muses on the challenges ad agencies are facing at the moment.
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- Director Evan Silver
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powered by- Director Evan Silver
- Writer/ Editor Evan Silver
powered by- Director Evan Silver
- Writer/ Editor Evan Silver
It's OK, we all know how hard it must be to come up with inventive, original creative ideas that can be brought to fruition in lockdown.
But, as this hilarious short from writer/director/editor Evan Silver aptly proves, the process to finding those breakthroughs can be pretty funny.
Telling its story in the now-familiar view of a Zoom meeting, Covid-19 Brainstorm sees a bunch of creatives muse on how to cut through in the current climate, and come up with a not-so-brilliant solution.
Smartly written, nicely performed and with a killer final third that brings the big laughs, this is one Zoom meeting we're glad we didn't miss.