
Bryght Young Things announces the latest addition to its roster of visionary talent: Anthony Prince Leslie

A Brooklyn native and first-generation Jamaican American, Leslie's distinctive background in classical dance and performance serves as the foundation for his unique and rhythmic approach to filmmaking.

As the founder of the esteemed New York-based creative studio Equator, Leslie has cultivated a vibrant community of celebrated collaborators and creators. His commitment to telling authentic and culture-forward stories has earned him recognition and opportunities with renowned brands such as Nike, Facebook, Google, Gucci, and more.

In 2020, Leslie was selected to participate in the prestigious Google Creator Labs, a global initiative celebrating some of the most exciting creative talents worldwide. His work, which boldly addresses today's socio-political landscape, has garnered acclaim and established him as an award-winning director. Most recently, Leslie was honoured as a Brilliant Filmmaker at the 1.4 Film Festival in 2022, further solidifying his impact on the industry.

"Bryght Young Things is thrilled to welcome Anthony Prince Leslie to our roster of exceptional talent," said Daniel Navetta, Founder and Creative Director at Bryght Young Things. "APL brings a truly distinct POV to his work. Coupled with his unique background and his dedication to authenticity & community, he aligns perfectly with our company’s mission to push creative boundaries and inspire audiences worldwide."

Anthony Prince Leslie's artistic vision, paired with his expertise in merging movement and abstraction, brings a fresh and dynamic perspective to the Bryght Young Things family.
