
Kollektiv Senfblau – Mach Mal

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“Cheer up love it may never happen!”, “Could be worse!”, “Have you tried Nordic walking/gong baths/taking up the ukulele banjo or just having a stiff word with yourself?”

Anyone suffering from depression will have doubtless endured these and other ‘helpful’ comments or admonishments. But the truth is, while sufferers can often appear to be simply a bit glum or even behaving badly, depression is a serious illness – sometimes a fatal one. 

Driven by this outlook, Christoph Amort, Patricia Neuhauser and Christoph Platzer, three multi-media arts graduates of Salzburg University of Applied Sciences have created an enlightening short film that brilliantly expresses the conditions symptoms – the cripping isolation, the inability to access joy, and the longing for oblivion or death. 

According to WHO research from 2020, depression will be the world's greatest burden in less than ten years. One cannot imagine world events since this research will have improved this outlook. 
