
Lexus – Unbelievable New Technology Sees Lexus Become a Gene Genie

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When it comes to a car, how far can personalisation go? Not so far back, furry dice hanging from the rearview mirror was the height of personalised sophistication. Now though, Lexus has moved the dial all the way up to 11. 

Through a partnership with 23andMe, the leading personal genetics company, Lexus will soon offer the ultimate answer to vehicle customisation. Genetic Select is a revolutionary new car buying experience that takes the only thing that matters into consideration when selecting a vehicle; the driver. 

As the above video demonstration shows, Genetic Select’s patented DNA sequencing model-to-model technology will pair drivers to a Lexus vehicle that’s tailored to their every characteristic. The landmark innovation can accurately predict - based on the driver’s DNA - which vehicle is the right choice. For example, if the customer does not have a genetic variant for bald spots, the car will come equipped with a sun roof. 

Or those genetically prone to more freckles will receive custom window tinting. In fact, 23andMe’s understanding of genetic variants is so precise, Genetic Select will enable Lexus to deliver the perfect colour, trim, horsepower allotment, seating configuration, and radio presets, within a 99.99967 percent degree of accuracy. It will be impossible to tell where the driver ends and where the car begins.

Lexus will be launching this revolutionary new approach on... hang on, got it here somewhere, ah, here it is... April 1. 

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