
Renault subjected business class passengers to a VR test drive experience for their Koleos SUV, only to recreate it in real life when they landed in a new stunt created by Publicis Conseil.

For Out of the Ordinary, the agency has created a film directed by François Nemeta showing the stunt. In it, three businessmen, representing what Publicis call the 'core managers and entrepeneurs' of the car, watch a 360° VR experience. In the video, directed by Pierre Zandrowicz of OKIO Studio, they land, and as they make their way through the airport they encounter a boy kicking a ball and a girl in a red dress giving them the eyes. Leaving the airport, they are picked up by a Renault, which takes them on a rollercoaster-like fantasy test drive which you can see below:

This seems the stuff of a hundred VR experiences. At this point, rollercoasters and car interiors may as well be the patron saints of virtual reality. 

Out of the Ordinary, however, transcends these trappings by blurring fantasy and reality. When the travellers land, the airport portion of the film is recreated in real life, with the actors playing the ball-kicking kid and the red-dressed girl replaying their roles. When they leave the airport, waiting for them is a Koleos, ready to take them on a real test drive that's hopefully a little less rollercoaster inspired.

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