
Cannes Lions 2016 is fast approaching - so take a tip from MediaMonks' global director of VR, Ola Björling, and pack your tech essentials because you're gonna need them.

And if you're bold enough, consider approaching Björling with reasons why you should get to go in to the MediaMonks/MassiveMusic party on Wednesday... but make it them good.


MorningStar: MorningStar is one of many VR camera rigs we've built. This one gets to go to Cannes since it can take a beating and is rosé proof(Seriously, it's rosé proof!)


EXPERIMMMMENTAL: On Wednesday the 22nd we throw a kick-ass party together with Massive Music. I have five extra tickets for whoever can present the most compelling reason to get in!


Battle-worn laptop: My battle-worn laptop needs to come along since it holds the slides to my talk; Virtual Reality: How to Hack Human Perception with Finesse. I'm presenting onit  Wednesday at 12.30 on Cannes Lions Innovation on the Discovery Stage. Come find me!


Showcase app: Our VR showcase app lets me demo our virtual reality work all in one place, and what would Cannes be without showing your best stuff?

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