
Grey London MD Natalie Graeme ponders packing for the Croisette and decides that power-dressing, power-meds and, well, simply power and three of the things to consider... 


Day-to-Night outfit: The key in Cannes is to be ready for just about anything. A talk at the Palais turns into a key client lunch meeting, turns into running into old colleagues at a pool party, turns into sundowners with fantastic new people to add to your blackbook, turns into interviewing potential new talent in the Gutter Bar at 4am.  It’s never a good look to bail on great conversation and meeting new people just to duck home to change. Dress for anything. ANYTHING.


Power up: A battery charger will not only be your friend,it will make you friends.  Packing multiple leads = making multiple friends on the Carlton Terrace at the end of a long day. Your phone is your lifeline in Cannes, even more than home when you are on the move for 18+ hours. LinkedIn, Uber, Evernote, Google Maps are essential. And of course the Cannes Lions app (see below).


The Cannes Lions App (and delegate pass): The sun is shining, the rosé is flowing, but don’t get fooled into thinking this is a holiday; Cannes Lions is a festival of creativity like no other. It's a chance to hear from the greatest minds, see some of the very best work the world has to offer, and to mingle with the best. If making the most of that sounds like hard work it doesn’t have to be. The Cannes Lions official app takes away a lot of the pain of navigating which talks to attend, helps you network on the move, and also tracks work and talks for revisiting once you are back home.


Essential Meds: All this excitement can sometimes go to our heads. Which might hurt. A bit. Prepare for the worst and then you can only feel better. Alka-Seltzer for the mornings; rosé is no longer your friend. Berocca to keep your stamina up through the week... or if you peak too soon – we’ve all been there. And Vocalzone when all that networking finally takes its toll on your voice.


Sunglasses: Never be without them. They cover up a multitude of sins. And it is the Croisette after all.

Sun lotion: Once-a-day sun lotion. Whoever invented you, my English skin loves you. Spritz once then leave it in the room. Less faff. And it avoids that awkward client-with-hairy-back “will you rub some lotion into my shoulders?” moment. 

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