
Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a great story that teaches children about the consequences of breaking rules. But I’m sure you've not come across Goldivox before?

Inspired by the original fairy tale, Goldivox was designed to raise awareness of voicelessness and to shares voice with speech-impaired people.

Saatchi & Saatchi New York has created a cute animation helmed by to promote VocaliD services.

Using the Human Voicebank platform, users can record and donate their voices to create a digital database which will allow the voicless to create their own vocal identity rather than be lumbered with a generic computerised tone.



“We hope this interactive storytelling experience will help people feel how powerful their own voice can be, and that they will be compelled to donate their voice through VocaliD or even spread the message to others who might donate theirs,” says Saatchi’s CCO Jay Benjamin.

And to explore the interactive experience – available only on Google Chrome – click here.

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