
How would you describe and summarise 2015 for the industry, creatively speaking?

It feels like we’re at the turning point of a new cycle. Lots of the hypes have died and everyone realises that we still need to focus on great insights and great ideas. Everything else around it are tactics and distribution. Perhaps the next evolution will be a refocus on craft.


What about your company’s creative performance; how much do you think you’ve grown this year?

We’ve always believed in the power of creative and are constantly evolving our creative product. What remains the same through the years, is our belief in ideas that are on the sweet spot of brand truths and consumer insights.



What has your own best personal achievement been in the past 12 months and why?

No matter of my schedule or travels, I have on average still managed to do sports seven times a week.


And looking ahead to 2016, what are you most excited about in terms of the industry and advertising?

Perhaps the hope that we are finally exiting the years of crisis and clients are again daring to buy bolder and braver ideas, rather than safer ideas or tactics.


Give us an exle of a strategy/approach from a brand you’d like to see more of in 2016…

We’d like see more advertising that doesn’t try to be something else than an ad, but does this in a fun, entertaining, fresh, culturally relevant way. For instance Tiny Dancer from John Lewis (below).



Which caign, piece of work or moment will you remember this year for and why?

The Enjoy Heineken Responsibly ad; Heineken Hero (below) was really smart. Targeting women with a message for men. It came from a real insight and it well executed.



How do you think your region has performed this year in comparison to other leading markets?

I think Europe continues to produce some of the world’s most exciting, diverse, and fresh work.


What’s your new year’s resolution, workwise or other?

To continue to reinvent myself, the agency, our business.


What one piece of advice would you give to the industry to take with it into 2016?

Not to be distracted by all the bells and whistles, it is still strong ideas that count.



What do you hope you’ve achieved by this time next year in terms of work?

To be the answer to question six (above) to everyone else in the industry.

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