
shots, in association with The Foundry, recently arranged an event in London which looked to examine, in more detail, the world of VFX and now you can view a section of that event below. 

Held at London's The Hospital Club the exclusive gathering saw presentations from Realise Studio's Paul Simpson and Shervin Shoghian, a VFX artist who has worked on films such as District 9 and Watchmen.

Both discussed recent projects they had worked on - Simpson talking about Thomson's Simon the Ogre, and Shoghian his new short film, Shhh - and relayed the VFX work that went into them, how important that work was and how difficult it can be to get it right.

After the presentations Simpson and Shoghian were joined on stage by Ludo Fealy of nineteentwenty and Grant Miller of Ingenuity Engine for a panel discussion, chaired by shots editor Danny Edwards, which asked questions about the role of VFX in the creative process, how difficult - because of time and budget - their roles can sometimes be, and what the future of the industry looks like.

Now you can watch the panel discussion section of the evening above, which includes some very thoughtful and interesting questions from the assebled audience and the equally well-delivered answers. The panelists, from left to right, are Shervin Shoghian, Danny Edwards, Paul Simpson, Grant Miller and Ludo Fealy.
