
Beginning the year in a new role as executive producer at Believe Media UK, the future’s looking bright for Rory Fry. Excited by the prospect of getting to know the talent on the company’s books and relishing the opportunity to work with a new client base, he can’t wait to get his teeth into projects on the horizon.

Below he takes a pragmatic approach to forecasting the year ahead and tells us about the changing nature of the industry.

What are your predictions for the industry in 2014?

Perhaps the only thing that can be predicted with any certainty is that the industry will continue to be in a state of flux.  Uncertainty, really, can be my only prediction for 2014 and probably for the years ahead, considering how rapidly the landscape is changing.  As technology continues to evolve, the industry must constantly keep apace with so many changes and the impact it has on what we do, and carrying on creating ‘content’. 

The space where that content exists – from a :30 TVC through to a location-based smart phone message – is a space that is expansive.  That space is known and planned for to a great extent, but I’d like to think that there will always be things that come along and take us by surprise. We like to adapt quickly and efficiently to change, that’s what we find most exciting and challenging.

What would you most like to see happen in advertising over the next 12 months?

I’d like to see more of the same – for the industry to be at its creative best, to continue to innovate and produce work that is entertaining and engaging. Also, to see us producers become more collaborative, and brought in early on in the process. We can and will help clients get through creative hurdles – it’s what we do.

What are you most looking forward to personally over the next year?

I started 2014 joining Believe UK and it’s already off to an exciting start!  I’m so looking forward to getting to know our directors more, and working with them and our clients to deliver great work.  I’m very optimistic about the challenges ahead; the opportunities to strengthen our relationships with our existing clients and to produce work that will win us new business.

What will you do differently this year that you didn’t last?

On a professional level my aim is to carry on pushing boundaries.  To enjoy the challenges and to make the most of opportunities, both for myself and for those I work with and represent. On a personal level, I’d like to exercise more, only eat healthy food and read more books by 19th century Russian authors, but my professional goals are far more reality-based.

What media/technology/platform/campaign do you think will shine this year?

I think the campaigns that will shine are those that use these new technology/platforms/media channels in a meaningful way. I think there is some pressure to make use of every available form of technology simply because a brand can, and that can sometimes feel laboured and ill-considered. Above all, it’s about quality content; a campaign will only shine if the creativity shines.

What effect do you think this year’s World Cup will have on the industry?

As with every major broadcasted sporting event, brands will seize on the opportunity to get their message out there to a mass audience.  How engaged that audience is though, will no doubt have a lot to do with how England performs.  But as a Welshman, I personally won’t be that engaged with it! There’s always 2018 for me to look forward to…

Where will you go on holiday this year and why?

Having had a very stormy Christmas, I’ve firmly decided that next Christmas will be spent somewhere (anywhere!) that has calm seas, glorious sunshine and clear blue sky.

What’s your New Year’s resolution workwise or other and do you think you’ll stick to it?

While there are things I might do or wish to do differently in 2014, I don’t believe in setting New Year’s resolutions that will inevitably get broken! 

If you had one hope or request from the client side this year, what would it be?

It’s always rewarding to work with clients who are bold, brave and lead the way.  Believe UK wants to collaborate and build partnerships and play our role in helping these clients realise their ambitions.

And if you had a piece of advice for the creative industry in 2014 what would it be?

Despite the challenging times over recent years, I can only say that this is an exciting and innovative industry to be part of, so let’s just keep the energy up!

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