
Continuing our 2013 in Review series, Über Content’s owner/executive producer, Phyllis Koenig, reflects on a year of exceeding expectations, shooting Cuban photographers and keeping her family happy, while looking forward to crossing the line into courageous creativity and remaining authentic next year.

How would you describe 2013 for the industry, creatively speaking?

The industry is bouncing back from a difficult half-decade of uncertainty where people have been concerned about stepping out on a limb creatively. But the era of the big agencies co-opting the largest accounts and risky creative is over. We’ve seen some smaller boutique agencies being given the opportunity and excelling creatively, which makes 2014 very promising.

And what about your own creative performance in the last 12 months?

We’ve exceeded our own greatest expectations at Über creatively and had an extraordinary time doing so. There’s always the next level, but this year we’ve honed our roster significantly and been afforded incredible opportunities with the help of our extremely tight team.

What do you think your own best personal achievement has been in the past year?

The very fact that my marriage is still intact is a miracle, and that my husband and my kids still like me as much as I work! A short second was being able to maneuver to Cuba for two weeks (legally!) to make a documentary about one of the greatest Cuban photographers of the last century. We pointed our camera at the only person who has been pointing his camera at the everyday lives of Cubans happening outside of the revolution for the past 50 years.

What are you most excited about for 2014?

I truly am excited that the world of indie films has officially collided with the worlds of advertising and spot-making, and that there are advertising agencies out there that are smart and brave enough to step outside not only of the traditional delivery systems but how they choose directors to work with. Also, continuing to recruit a few directors whose talents fit and echo the spirit of Über Content.

And what are your predictions for the industry in general in 2014?

Please FedEx me the magic eight ball that would help me answer that question! Predictions aside, I have big dreams that, creatively, doors will continue to open so that the industry as a whole is sustainable, and isn’t overrun by corporate cost-controllers trying to dissuade clients that advertising really does work.

Which campaign or piece of work will you remember from this year?

Eliot Rausch’s Veterans Affairs work for DDB was so powerful, as well as his Nike work for Wieden+Kennedy. Fred Savage continues to wow the networks, directing episodes of Modern Family, The Crazy Ones, and Two Broke Girls, and being nominated by the DGA for Best Comedy Director of the Year. And Lucia Aniello is such a huge comedic force. She’s renowned for Dollar Shave Club, yet the fact that she was handpicked to write and direct Broad City by Executive Producer Amy Poehler and Lorne Michaels shows she is breaking out in such a big way.

How is your company celebrating Christmas this year?

We’re giving our employees two weeks paid vacation! Otherwise, attending lots of parties, doing Secret Santa, and completely over-decorating the office to give our clients and us an overdose of holiday cheer. 

What’s the one thing you look forward to in your time off over Christmas?

Spending time with my family. And you can find me at the ArcLight every day from 11-6 watching movies with my husband.  

What’s your new year’s resolution workwise or other?

To continue working on making my innermost truths fit within my presence and actions in the community and to find a new building because we’re popping out of our present office space!

If you had a piece of advice for the creative industry to learn from this year and take into next, what would you say?

Cross the line of being courageous to the place where you’re slightly uncomfortable. Don’t underestimate the demographics out there - your audience is smart. People love to laugh, and feel things, so put it all out there. Keep it authentic.

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