
Danny Clinch, photographer and director at Milkt, continues our 2013 in Review series by telling us about his personal triumphs of the past 12 months and how the industry is in an organic renaissance.

How would you describe 2013 for the industry, creatively speaking?

I feel things go in cycles. Currently, it’s all about keeping an organic and authentic style, which suits me well.

And what about your own creative performance in the last 12 months?

I managed to have a very creative year. I was awarded the Back to Blue GAP spots, did more great work for John Varvatos with Willie Nelson and shot the latest Bruce Springsteen album cover. I also really enjoyed collaborating with Pearl Jam on the roll out of their new record, Lightning Bolt. We did a bunch of short 30 sec creative pieces for web content, as well as music videos and a short documentary. I also did all the publicity photos. It was hard work, but it paid off. I also received my third Grammy nomination for a video piece I did with Ben Harper and Charlie Musselwhite.

What do you think your own best personal achievement has been in the past year?

My biggest accomplishment was that I made it to the age of 50, although I’m definitely still a kid. Also, my wife and I had the opportunity to bring my kids to New Orleans. We have always looked forward to that trip, as New Orleans is one of the most creative cities in America. 

What are you most excited about for 2014?

I’m excited about publishing a book of my photographs with Abrams. It’s been a lot of hard work and we should have it ready for the printer in the beginning of 2014 so it can come out in the fall. I’ll also be making a silent film in New Orleans with my friend Ben Jaffe, which will be great.

Which campaign or piece of work will you remember from this year?

I really love the work that the creatives are doing at Droga5, whom I’ve found to be excellent collaborators. I had the opportunity to work with them for the Hennessey campaign featuring Nas as well as a Motorola spot for Moto X. 

How is your company celebrating Christmas this year?

I’m having a holiday gathering with my crew at the Brooklyn Bowl. We’ll eat, drink, bowl and be serenaded by my dear friends in the Preservation Hall Jazz Band. They are doing a creole Christmas set!

What’s your new year’s resolution workwise or other?

My New Year’s resolution is to play more music (I play harmonica in a blues band), get more time in on my stand-up paddle board and collaborate with friends on some art book ideas I have. 

And if you had a piece of advice for the creative industry to learn from this year and take into next, what would you say?

My advice would be to try sharing ideas vs. building walls. Often, the people working on the same project are not sharing information in a way that is productive. Make it a year of sharing. 

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