
Empathy Test – Monsters

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Sometimes couples therapy can deepen understanding and heal wounds, sometimes it can underscore faultlines in a relationship, leading to further breakdown.  

Or sometimes it can end up with a bemused Mr and Missus happening upon a strange creature in a smoking burka who sets about licking their car before throwing up on the windscreen. 

This intense video for the electropop band’s hit Monsters, directed by Great GunsCalum Macdiarmid, definitely depicts the latter scenario and is an engaging metaphor for marital discomfort as the creature's writhing limbs seem to express the agony and ecstasy of a tricky amour.

It's an unusual approach for a therapist, but makes for a riveting watch and features fantastic work from dancer Isabella Mahmoud, along with Macdiarmid’s other half, Julia Mauelshagen. 

“I have to take this opportunity to give a massive shout out to my beautiful partner Julia who stepped in to play the role of the wife, nailed it, and had faith in the project all the way'," said Macdiarmid, "we don’t have a dancing monster therapist so I’ll have to use this moment to tell her I love her instead.”

