
It doesn't take a time machine to work out that shots has been dominating Thursday evenings in Cannes for the past *cough* 30-odd years *cough*, but it is fitting that 2024 saw our biggest blowout yet.

Taking inspiration from our annual comic by Chris Baker and Joe Totti - a Terminator/Back To The Future-riffing yarn that implies the robot uprising isn't far off - the evening saw humble fleshbags boogie like a Boston Dynamics android plugged into the mains.

Click image to enlarge

Time-travel (and booze) can play a hell of a trick on people's memories, so if you need to find evidence of being there, check out our set of snaps in a tidy Slate Project.

As always, the evening wouldn't be the same without the 2000-or-so partygoers letting of some Rosé-tinted steam, so thank you all for being there. We also couldn't make it happen without the help of some friends and sponsors: Story, D0C70R 7R0Y, Hero Productions, Lobo, Stillking, Milk & Honey Productions, Ninch, Rebolucion, and music sponsor, Felt Music.

Next year, obviously, we'll be back. 

Until then, hasta la vista, baby...
