
The advertising sector across The Americas stands out for its unparalleled ability to generate innovative, bold, and creatively rich ideas, bringing them to life with exceptional craftsmanship.

However, where the industry sometimes falls short, especially in the Super Bowl hangover, is in allocating the time to submit these projects for awards recognition...

Given the continuous influx of submissions for this year's event, we're delighted to announce an extension of the deadline for shots Awards The Americas. Participants now have until Friday, February 23rd, to enter their work. Please note, this extension is FINAL – our judges are way too hyped to delay getting their mitts on the work for another week.

That date, though, will be here soon enough, so make sure, if you're planning on entering (which you most certainly should be), to get your entries sorted sooner rather than later. 

Above: Hollywood's NeueHouse - our awards and drinks venue.

As always, the awards will be adjudicated by a distinguished panel of advertising leaders from across The Americas. Head judges will oversee specific categories, guiding a jury of peers through the selection of shortlists and eventual victors. The full juries were announced last week and can be found here.

The awards ceremony is set to take place on May 2nd, 2024,  at the ever-glamorous NeueHouse in West Hollywood, Los Angeles.

For comprehensive details about the awards, including past winners, click here. For information on categories, eligibility, and submission guidelines, please use the buttons below.

This year, we'll be complementing our awards with shots Out of the Box: a full day of panels, speakers and on-stage Q&As. More information will be announced soon...
