
Pilsen Callao – E-nterpreters

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Online gaming allows people from around the world to come together in play, competition, and, most importantly, communication. But the primary form of chat - mic and headphones - doesn't allow for those for whom hearing is a difficulty. 

Solving this problem (and neatly aligning it with their Friendship Without Differences ethos) is Pilsen Callao, the Peruvian beer brand who, along with agency Fahrenheit DDB, created E-nterpreters; the first bot to translate conversations between friends during an online game in sign language and, vitally, in real-time.

Housed on the Discord social platform, the clever bot interprets what the players say during the game into signs using an algorithm that identifies the voice of each player, separated each into individual channels, and integrates them into a visual response.

E-nterpreters is currently under open-source development and will be available for free download to any Discord user over the age of 18. Even better, although the campaign is aimed at Peru, Spanish speakers from any country can use it.

"To create E-nterpreters," explains Carmen María Bell-Taylor, Head of Pilsen Callao, "we worked hand in hand with various communities of deaf gamers throughout the world, especially with deaf communities in Latin America, over a span of more than ten months. Thanks to them, the development team was able to learn the type of language or movements used by gamers with hearing disabilities to generate instructions among themselves. These gamers also participated in the usability and understanding test that helped improve details of the bot.

“With this launch, we have taken a step to helping our society be even more inclusive and, above all, helping deaf people feel included and understood within an aspect of socialization such as the gamer world. We are leaving the door open so that new improvements to the bot can be implemented in the near future, not only by the brand but by anyone interested in making this initiative grow over time."
