
What's the song you've listened to most during this isolation period?

Tame Impala’s Lost In Yesterday. This one hits on many levels for me because the lyrics are definitely fitting of the moment we are in and there are definitely times where I don't even know what day it is, and it all feels a little bit like Groundhog Day. I also saw Tame Impala at the Forum just a few days before the shelter at home plan took place in LA. So, listening to Tame Impala [below] has me long for that pre-coronavirus life. 

What track always gets you on the dance floor? 

Justin Timberlake’s Señorita, The Pharrell groove. The Rhodes piano. The call and response. Aa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaa-arms. My body is powerless against it. 

What's your 'guilty pleasure' track?

I don't really believe in guilty pleasures. My theory is, if you like it then why be ashamed? I guess the candidate for this on my playlist would be Carly Rae Jepsen’s Run Away With Me, but I truly love that song and do not care who knows it. Such a jam!!

What song always makes you turn off the stereo when it comes on?

Hmmm... no specific song comes to mind, but I'm not much of a jam band guy so if something with a 10-minute bass solo comes on then there is a good chance I'm going to look for something else to listen to.

Harry Styles – Adore You

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We can't go out right now, but when we're finally allowed to head out for a night on the town, what track will you listen to while you're getting ready?

Probably something from the new Harry Styles album. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a good hook and melody. Check out Adore You [above] on my playlist... but there are a bunch of great tracks on the album.

To access Mugford's Isolation Radio Station playlist, click here
