
Bullion Productions director João Retorta helms this live action, animation film for Amex, part of an ongoing brand revamp from Dentsu London.

Retorta, already a veteran music video and award winning commercial director has brought the energy and fun of the live music experience to this exciting and visceral film. Artist Jazzie Martian, a new emerging talent winner features briefly and provides the bouncy score. 

The campaign coincides with Amex’s Sponsorship of the London Film Festival. 

American Express – No Legals

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The animation was lovingly crafted by Animation and illustration heavyweight Jelly, providing hip and creative animation that goes pop and blurs the line between commercial and music video. 

Bullion rising star, Retorta is best known for his award winning work with sportswear magnet Sports Direct. He has just been shortlisted for this years UK MVA awards for his emotional music video for Stephan Moccio.

"Retorta's highly cinematic styling, camera work and performances have migrated to new heights and we can only see his star rising higher in 2023."
