Luke Judlin: A Few Of My Favourite Things
The 72andSunny Amsterdam film producer chats toilet-paper, wonky coasters and speakers that his nan might like.
For this week's Favourite Things we've caught up with 72andSunny Amsterdam film producer Luke Judlin as he settles in to the 'new normal' of working from home.
A veteran of UAL and then Westminster film school in London, as well as a stint in TV documentary making, Judlin's advertising career brought him over to Amsterdam's 72 campus, where his work has included campaigns for Candy Crush, adidas as well as the 2020 Audi Superbowl Ad.
"Being a Producer I’m pretty nomadic," Judlin notes, "always moving through the motions between the office, shoots and post houses - so anything to personalise a workspace needs to fit in my rucksack. Nowadays, however, in this new way of living - I’m locked away working from home, setting up camp in the different corners of my apartment. So here are the things that are keeping me happy & sane at the moment."
I love Cattelan and Ferrari’s photography in TOILETPAPER; their use of colour is always so vibrant but used in really pervasive and provocative scenes.
Perfect coffee-table-not-a-coffee-table book.
You can read through this multiple times and everything will still feel fresh.

The Coaster
My friend made me this clay coaster.
It’s a bit wonky and every time I put my coffee on it I think it’s going to tip over, but it’s expression sums up my morning vibe perfectly.

The Vintage Speakers
A DJ mate of mine got me these [vintage Bose 301 speakers] to listen to records.
They look like something out of my Nan’s house and are cheap as chips but sound amazing.
When I sit working on the floor I can find a sweet spot between the two speakers and get a nice little sound bath of Beatles whilst doing admin.

The Errol Morris Thermal Printouts
I recently shot some spots with a hero of mine, documentary filmmaker Errol Morris.
He gets VTR to print selects while he shoots on mass reels of thermal print-out and then builds the story, almost editing live before wrap.
By the end of the shoot you have walls and walls of these.
Great process to see (and I took a few film strips home with me).

The E-Reader
I’ve always loved having piles of old, thumbed through books around the house and never thought I’d be an e-reader-guy, but my girlfriend bought me one recently and I’m a convert.
One of the things working from home teaches you is to enjoy the downtime away from your laptop and on video calls.
Being able to pick it up and dive into a story has been a great tool to switch off.