Share – Highlife (Director's Cut)

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After personally experiencing a tragic loss, upcoming director Leve Kühl helmed this poignant and powerful campaign with the help of agency MDCTBonaparte, and UPPERFAST EP and founder Jacob-Lucas Burckhardt, which highlights the dangers of drug use without stigmatisation. 

The beautifully-shot film, titled Highlife, builds a poetic narrative of a young woman who takes a pill at a club, then catches eyes with a boy at the bar. Over the following months, we see her falling in love, moving in with her boyfriend, making memories with friends, and experiencing all of the joy and heartache of life. 

After emotionally investing us in the young couple’s story, Kühl whisks us back to the first scene at the bar, where the protagonist overdoses on the pill she took, revealing that the story was only a glimpse at a life that could have been. 

The film is part of an online platform created by the director,, which offers advice and support on drug taking and testing. 

“We do not want to condemn, but to educate” explains Kühl, “Our goal is not in any way to glorify or promote drug use, yet we do not reach people if we judge them. Rather, we’d like to be like a friend who tells them: Take care.”
