
Contemporary Dancer turned Producer, the founder of La Belle Façon, Marielle Elis, fuses her two vocations within the new specialized label Exhalt.e, that brings together the worlds of Film Production and Dance, to serve brands.

Martha Graham once said “the body says what words cannot”. Dance and movements are actively implemented in the field of advertising and communication. The growing attraction for these unifying disciplines carrying powerful values, joins the evolution of mores which covet freedom, tolerance, truth.

But when it comes to filming it, Dance is a genre on its own. Initially dancer and prize-winning choreographer, Marielle Elis becomes a producer and creates the Artistic Production Company La Belle Façon almost 10 years ago. Since then, some arty contents gravitate around moving bodies, such as innovative Charlie Le Mindu. In 2021, the art-film Cor, directed by Simona Gun and sponsored by Acne, has received multiple awards and confirmed the relevance of creating a dedicated label.

Thanks to the background of Marielle Elis and her team, Exhalt.e benefits from a facilitated access to the best talents of both film and dance worlds. Their beloved mission, Curating and energising the exhalt.ed creativity of Artists and Technicians. The label gets together French and worldwide specialised directors, but also photographers, choreographers / movement directors and of course, dancers of all type, style and origin.

Marielle Elis likes to quote Ohad Naharin “I love to connect pleasure and effort”. She explains that “Exhalt.e is fruit of and driven by passion, taste and dreams. We aim to shape original content and prove that the choice of a movement makes all the difference !”
