
In July, the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer IWC Schaffhausen released the first part of the elaborate short film project Born of a Dream. In A Boy From San Mateo the aspirations and life's dream of US football legend and IWC brand ambassador Tom Brady were portrayed in a cinematic short film.

Part 2 - A Man of the Future is about the life of IWC founder F.A. Jones, played by Hollywood actor James Marsden.

"IWC Schaffhausen has a unique and exciting history to look back on. A watchmaker from Boston who stood up against all odds and followed his dream of producing watches in Switzerland with American production technology. This story alone would be enough material for a feature-length film," explains Robert Krause, Managing Director of Scholz & Friends.

Anyone who has seen the first part of the series will immediately notice that the characters Brady and Jones have a lot more in common than just the coincidence that Boston, which is the linchpin of both stories, is a city firmly anchored in both their lives.

IWC – Born Of A Dream - A Man of the Future​

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"Both Jones and Brady had to face similar adversities. People who did not believe in them and many hurdles that had to be overcome. We instilled this spirit of never giving up in both stories and combined it in a third film." It was an exciting experiment; where at the beginning we ourselves didn’t know exactly where the editing journey would take us - but in the end, we suddenly had this third film," says Jörg Waschescio, Group Creative Director.

Beyond the two new films, an interactive and informative content campaign was created, which allows us to dive even deeper into the stories and dreams of Jones and Brady. A lavish web of special features with over 30 minutes of additional interview content with Tom Brady as well as a detailed history of the life's work of IWC founder F.A. Jones, compiled by the curator of the IWC Museum, Dr. David Seyffer.

"With "Born of a Dream", we have created a platform, the core of which is universally identifiable.The message of standing up for and fighting for what you believe in is perhaps even more relevant today than it was 150 years ago.

That's why we look forward to further developing the platform and this mindset, deeply rooted in the IWC DNA in the future." explains Janin Brauer, International Account Director at Scholz & Friends. 

Part two of the short film series was also directed by the Dane Rune Milton and produced by who’s mcqueen picture, Zurich. The web special was implemented by Artificial Rome.
