
Director Zaeem Asad has us licking our lips at this colourful Ramadan table, full of health, togetherness and excitement. 

His latest commercial for Beko combines mesmerising shots of food preparation and some killer camera transitions with the joyful spirit of collective celebration as we near the end of this year's Ramadan. 

The Visionaries' Asad had this to say about the project… “When you create without the inhibition of the outcome, that’s when magic unfolds! I’m grateful that my passion has become my work, a labor of love. I always strive to work in collaboration and allow every person involved to bring their best self. Beko was a project where I feel we all made space for one another, and it was all the better for it; I’m forever thankful for that…”

Beko – Ramadan (Director's Cut)

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