
IKEA – Let Play Unwind Your Mind

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With the aftereffects of lockdown blues still looming and many people finding the work/life balance a little off-kilter, there's no better time to be reminded of the healing powers of play, as demonstrated in this gorgeous spot for IKEA.

Opening with a mum surrounded by half-drunk coffees, reminders, and an overwhelming amount of phone messages, Let Play Unwind Your Mind soon turns into a kaleidoscope of whimsy; featuring RÖNNINGE tables stretching to infinity, PLUFSIG carpets as far as the eye can see and a HEMMAHOS hopscotch mat as the perfect landing spot.

Engagingly bringing to life Mother London's lovely creative concept, Iconoclast director Alaska uses both in-camera and VFX trickery to create an Alice In Wonderland-esque trip that brilliantly demonstrates the reward found in fun.
