
IKEA – Party

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Sleep is sometimes seen as the enemy of life. There's too much to do, too much to see; "I'll sleep when I'm dead", Jon Bon Jovi once famously crooned. 

But this new campaign from The Newtons Laboratory Athens suggest that, actually, sleep can sometimes be a great decision. 

The three-spot campaign is simply but perfectly directed by Thanos Mitsios through Picky Productions, and features a trio of scenarios in which someone could do something else, something that might be advantageous to their life, but who all choose sleep instead (in a comfy IKEA bed, of course).

Each scenario is sonorously spelt out by the voice over as a woman chooses not to attend a party, a man decides not to watch a boring TV show, and a teenager opts for shut-eye over social media because, as the end line tells us, 'wake up, it's time to sleep'. 
