
Last week our Culture Editor, Amy Kean, highlighted some of the young female creative teams who are attempting to have a positive impact on the advertising industry. 

One team is trying to change the way in which female creatives are addressed by others, another is publishing briefs which highlight causes they feel are being under-represented within the industry. 

How not to... treat graduates

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A third team, Jessica Kielstra and Nina Forbes, now at Newcastle-based ad agency Cravens, undertook an online experiment to find out whether male and female graduate teams were treated differently. Called the Gender Agenda, Kielstra and Forbes meticulously studied responses from 80 different crit requests which lead to some interesting and unfortunate results.

Here, Kean chats to Kielstra and Forbes about how and why they decided to undertake the experiment as well as what the results - including the differing lengths of replies and the uneven tone of language used within them - might mean. 
