
How to Tell When a Vacation Is Long Overdue? 

One clear sign that a vacation is overdue is increasing everyday fatigue that leaves you unable to concentrate properly and get things done right. This scenario is utilised by agency Fraser to set up a brand launch campaign for their new client, holidayheroes, a young online travel portal from Munich. 

Booking a vacation involves far too many options and offers. Holidays are becoming more expensive and shorter, and users are faced with a flood of information and the hassle of searching. Days of research and comparison in total: way too much stress. Holidayheroes aims to eliminate this stress and offers intuitive discovery. With ease, the company is now also launching its communication. 

Instead of relying on the industry's usual price-focused advertising strategies, holidayheroes and Fraser focus on providing more vacation for those in need of a break. Using humour that resonates with users in everyday situations, the campaign aims to attract strong attention and establish an empathetic connection. For the videos, situational comedy from social media with funny everyday fails is used. 

The communication of holidayheroes focuses on promoting the user-friendly and personalised customer experience, supported by intelligent algorithms. Through this approach, the campaign positions holidayheroes not just as a travel option, but as the preferred choice for a more comprehensive and enriching travel experience.

Starting on June 3rd, the campaign will run on TV and digital platforms for a year with a media volume in the millions. It consists of three video assets and aims to significantly increase brand awareness and clearly differentiate holidayheroes from other travel portals. 

Robin Wolters, Managing Director of holidayheroes, states: “Never before have Germans paid so much for so little vacation. Instead of 'cheaper, cheaper, cheaper,' holidayheroes stands for #morevacation. As the new kid on the block, it is essential to position our brand in a clear, distinctive, and bold way. Together with Fraser, we have achieved exactly that. Our TV debut, just like our platform, breaks with the status quo in a fresh, new, and innovative way.”

Fernando Barbella, Creative Director and Partner at Fraser, adds: “Launching a new brand is always exciting. We are particularly pleased with our new client holidayheroes' decision to position themselves as a disruptive player in a highly competitive market, against already established providers. Using humor, we have found a way to connect the offer of more vacation with real human everyday situations and behaviours, with all the mistakes and mishaps that happen when we desperately need a vacation and some time for ourselves. By using the kind of content we share daily with family and friends, we can further develop the concept across various touch points.
