
The One Show has extended its final deadline for entries until February 22nd, 2016. Coming to the end of its fourth and final submission deadline, the One Show is calling for all those wishing to enter the awards to submit their entries within one week.

Produced by The One Club, a non-profit organisation with a focus on creative development and education, The One Show showcases and celebrates the world’s best creative campaigns, inviting collaboration among individuals who are actively developing outstanding work. The brightest creative minds from advertising, digital, design, and marketing for consumer brands and non-profit organizations from around the world are invited to enter every year.

CEO of The One Club, Kevin Swanepoel comments: “A valuable award is one that is a challenge to win and one that is respected by your peers.  We at The One Show have always been proud of our legacy and integrity and the fact that it is a big accomplishment to win a Pencil.  The One Show celebrates work from across the globe and as it is produced by The One Club, an organisation which supports the career of a creative from the Young Ones College Competition to induction into the Creative Hall of Fame, all entries count towards something positive.  When you enter The One Show, whether you win or not, all the revenue is being reinvested in a host of education, diversity and professional development programmes within the industry you work in.”

Judging for all disciplines will take place in March and finalists will be announced in mid-April. The One Show award ceremonies will take place on May 11th and 13th 2016.

For work to qualify for the 2016 One Show Awards, it must have first been published or aired between January 1st, 2015 and February 7, 2016

You can find out more about the one show and the resources needed to enter here:

You can enter the awards show through your account here.
