
Production company Familia announce the signing of photographer and filmmaker Safiyah Chiniere to join their UK, US & Netherlands roster.

The New York native is entirely self-taught, eschewing the formal education of film school in favour of picking up a camera and “just going for it”. Starting with music videos and then evolving into documentary and narrative work, Safiyah Chinere’s move into commercials is the next exciting step for her.

Always following what comes natural to her, Chiniere’s stories are centered around diversity and inclusiveness within LGBTQ and POC communities; as she puts it “I aspire to continue my directing career and work toward narrative filmmaking. I want to continue telling stories while giving other up-and-coming artists a chance to create films from their perspectives.”

From Safiyah Chinere, “I chose to sign with Familia because I was drawn to the inclusivity of their work and team. The work Familia produces is impactful, and I wanted to be a part of that; as an artist working with them, I know I'll be able to bring my ideas and perspective to life at Familia’’

From Head of Sales, Ailie Robertson, “The term ‘authenticity’ gets thrown around a lot in this industry, but with Safiyah it is at the very core of who she is and the work she makes; it’s just something she is intrinsically linked to. Safiyah has so many vital and underrepresented stories to tell and , and we could not be more excited to help her share them with the world.”
