
This DryNites film is a classic case of being careful of what you wish for, i.e. a good night's sleep!

This charming, and knowingly told film captures just that with a cacophony of colours. Directed by Armoury London’s Ben Perry during lockdown, the film stars a real family which helped with shooting restrictions and brought authentic performances to the film.

“A little bit of BTS info is we made the decision to cast a real family to get a genuine family performance, but this also really helped with the filming restrictions we are all working with right now. It was our Hero boy’s film debut, but as you can see he got the hang of it pretty quickly! Big thanks to everyone at Rocketmill for the wonderful concept and it was a joy to work on with them from start to finish.” - Matt Hichens MD at Amoury London.

Dry Nites – Less Worry More Childhood

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Here’s what director Ben Perry had to say about the project:

“It’s always lovely working with a real family, and with covid still going on it was a perfect situation. Add a great crew, creative team and some colourful explosions and you have a real riot. I hope the end result gives people some much needed smiles.”
