Cannes Essentials: Denny Cooper
Top of the list for UNIT's creative director of colour is eating a seafood platter while wearing a pair of Happy Socks.
1. Listen
Too much to choose from on this front as I have very eclectic tastes - but these three are at the top of my playlist right now. Walk Dance Talk Sing by Crazy P, Sounding Out The City by El Michels Affair, Prince of Tears by Baxter Dury, and finally A Bath Full of Ecstasy by Hot Chip, which UNIT recently worked on.

2. Wear
I like to have a choice of footwear. Essentials for the sun are Vans, Converse, boat shoes and penny loafers...maybe some Happy Socks. And as many clothes that will fit in a carry on.

3. Visit
It wouldn’t be Cannes without at least one visit, ideally with close client friends, to Asteux et Brun for the seafood platter.

4. Try
Not to lose any expense receipts!

5. Snaps
Try and avoid getting in any drunken ones. I’m not very photogenic at the best of times.
6. Meet
As many people as possible and remember their names!